I’ve gotten this question a lot, especially recently. Why Coffee Over Cardio? What’s all the hype about? Well, here’s a little back ground story on how it all started for me.

Back in 2015 I started getting back into fitness and a regular fitness routine. (I’ve always been athletic and active but fell off the wagon for a little.. story for later lol) In 2018 my fire was lit and I had specific goals I wanted to reach, so I turned to social media and began to follow people in the same niche.

Doing this I stumbled across “MuscleBarbieBrooke“, Brooke, a fellow fitness enthusiast and at the time an NPC bikini competitor. She would post about her morning coffee which was Coffee Over Cardio. The name was catchy, cute af packaging, so naturally I had to check it out! From there I found Abbey, the founder, CEO, Boss Babe behind it all. I HAD to have some of this coffee! When I got my first order I was so E X C I T E D, silly as it sounds to be excited about getting coffee and from that day forward I’ve had Coffee Over Cardio, LITERALLY e v e r y single day since.

So, after that first sip hit my taste buds, I was awakened by the fresh taste of the exquisite SATURDAZE chocolate donut coffee, (Yes, I remember the first flavor I tried lol). I knew then that I wanted to be apart of this company. I applied for the Barista Babe program and I was accepted. I was thrilled! I couldn’t wait to share my love of coffee and promote Coffee Over Cardio. Having the delicious flavored coffee’s truly helped me through my first bikini prep in 2018, it was like a little treat for indulgence!

In December of 2018 I earned a spot as one of the Coffee Over Cardio,”Coffee Connoisseurs” which is a “Sponsored Athlete” for the team. Words could not describe how thrilled I was! I couldn’t believe I, myself, Sydney, got to be apart of this amazing team. I was/am forever grateful for the opportunity I was given.

So, this brings us back to the original question, “Why Coffee Over Cardio?”, well the answer is simple. I LOVE coffee and I LOVE the people behind this company. With the strong coffee loving boss babe community it had built. I had the pleasure of having a phone conversation with Abbey about a business idea I had and still have and hope to one day really get it going. Abbey is one of the sweetest, genuinely kind people I’ve ever known! I’m very appreciative of everything she’s done for me and for everyone else! She’s the back bone of it all and the Queen of Coffee. So THIS is why: the amazing quality of the products they produce, the people, with the community of strong coffee loving women (and men).

If you haven’t tried Coffee Over Cardio, you 100% owe it to your taste buds to give it a try! You can use my code SYDP on your purchase to receive 15% off your order. My code is for you guys and I do no receive anything from it, it’s purely for you to save a lil moolah on your COC goodies! ☺️

Happy caffeinating,



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