Quarantine. A word we are all too familiar with now. I’ve been fortunate enough to make it this far into the pandemic and not have to self quarantine thus far, until I was exposed to someone who tested positive to the COVID-19 virus. Once I found out she tested positive, I felt a little panic because I had seen her in the comfort of my own home a few days prior and now felt the need to get a test to make sure I hadn’t gotten COVID and potentially be spreading it without knowing. ANDDD on top of that, it was the week so Christmas so testing sites were closed and there were limited appointments for testing elsewhere!
You can’t prepare to quarantine really, so thoughts of, “do I have enough groceries?!” “Do I have enough food for my pets?!” “Have I been around anyone that I could of passed this along to?!” “WHAT AM I GOING TO DO?!” All these thoughts flood your mind, but you just need to stop and c h i l l everything will be FINE.
So with the experience of my quarantine, I’ve created a list of tips to keep you sane during this time! Because if you’re like me, staying at home all day will drive you nuts after one day LOL.
Tips to survive quarantine:
- Take the time to actually RELAX. Yes, it’s unfortunate that you HAVE to stay home, but use the time to not be running around and go go go, and just relax. Especially if your feeling bad!
- Be productive. You don’t have to just sit around all day watching tv (but if that’s your thing go a head!) Do the house work you’ve been putting off, finally work on that passion project, clean out your closet! Anything that’s productive!
- Walk. Keep moving, even the health care professionals recommend to keep moving! Get out side for some fresh air and some vitamin D!
- Eat nutritious foods. Don’t sit around and eat junk. Eating foods filled with vitamins and minerals such as, citrus fruits, bone broths, salmon, and eggs will provide your body with good clean nutrients.
- Stay Hydrated. Being at home not doing quite as much, you probably won’t feel as thirsty but you need to make sure you’re still getting enough water in! I’ve been filling up my gallon water bottle and consuming that daily!
I hope everyone stays healthy and well! Enjoy this last week of 2020! Make it the best week yet!