HEYYYYOOO! Happy Friday! ONE WEEK BEFORE CHRISTMAS! Idk about y’all, but where I live, its getting wild out there! The people, the crowds, THE TRAFFIC! So, hopefully you’ve gotten all your Christmas shopping and errands done or close to being done! 

As we all know charcuterie boards are totally IN for like, every occasion and especially holidays! BUT you don’t need to spend $200 on cheeses and crackers and whatever else you’re going to throw on your board! KEEP IT SIMPLE! It’s not the main course it’s just a little board of finger foods to give your guests something to snack on!

SO! For BLOGMAS day 18 I’m going to share with you my simple step to creating a charcuterie board without breaking the bank!

Lessss get to it!

Step  1: Make a plan.

Choose TWO or THREE cheeses, getting more than that isn’t really necessary and adds up fast! Get a variety pack of crackers, 1 kind of “fancy” nut, 2 types of cured meat or meat and cheese rolls, and throw in some acid with a jar of cornichons or some kind of pickle!

Step 2: Your board.

If you don’t already have a designated charcuterie board, theres not really any need to go out and buy one, I use our bamboo cutting board and it works just fine!

Now it’s time to start your board design!

For my board I chose cheese crips and mozzarella balls, truffle almonds, cracker trip from Trader Joe’s, prosciutto and pepperoni roll ups, cornichons. I used some left over rosemary from another dish to garnish my board and used the mozzarella balls to make capreese skewers. 


Board Design:

Start by adding your crackers. I have 3 different crackers, so I’m putting them in the corners and along the side of my board.

Then place the almonds or whatever nut you choose beside one of the cracker lines.  To make it have a nice pop or freshness and color add a few sprigs of rosemary or any other herb you have on hand.

Next, add you cheeses! I placed mine next to each other since they’re both so different and not just cut cheese. I placed my mozzarella balls assembled on the skewers at the bottom of my board in-between the 2 crackers and then the cheese crips over the skewers. If you have cut cheese, place one at the bottom of the board and the other in the top corner!

Now for zee meats! I place my 2 cheese and meat roll ups in-between my crackers and then the cornichons in-between them! Stacking them on top of each other gives your board some different dimension and looks super nice! 

Voilà! There you have it! Not too much, not too expensive! The perfect amount!

NOW, if I had a bigger board I would of added a dip and hummus with chips and fruit which I did on the side pictured below! BUT that’s just being a little extra lol. You don’t need much to make a beautiful and tasty charcuterie board!

If you’re new to making charcuterie boards I hope this helps you some! I hope everyone has a great weekend before Christmas! Remember to take time to yourself to relax and unwind!

If you’re following along with me on the Christmas movie count down (click here for the movies!) tonight’s movie is, JINGLE ALL THE WAY.  

Reminder, if you haven’t yet, check out My first BLOGMAS post for the holiday bucket list! If you decide to embark on this fun bucket list adventure, don’t forget you can download the list here and post on IG the things you cross off and use #LWSxmasbucketlist ! 

Get into the Christmas spirit with my Life With Syd Christmas Playlist mixtape! Jam along with me here!

Click here for Holiday gift guides on my! 


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