Have you ever walked by a mirror, glanced at yourself and thought “daaaaaaamnnn I look GOOOOOD today!” No? Get up right now, walk by that mirror and give YOURSELF A COMPLIMENT. B-cuz YOU deserve one!

We can be so mean to ourselves, I speak on that first hand and its something I’ve truly been working on lately. Our thoughts are constant throughout the day and play a huge role in our decisions, success, and overall happiness, it’s important to always be trying to improve your mind set. Otherwise you could fall into a negative head space that’ll hold you back and make you unhappy. 

Affirmations are a powerful way to improve your mindset on a daily basis. Studies have shown that daily affirmations can increase our feelings of self-worth, boost confidence, and start your day with positives vibes. By giving yourself a few kind words and spreading affirmations to others you will not only make their day but also make yourself feel good about making them feel good. A circle of good vibes, a vibe tribe. 

Somedays it may be easier to give affirmations to others, but  we need to remember to uplift ourselves too. It’s easy to get sucked into the negativity of your surroundings, but there’s always a positive in every situation. You just have to be willing to find it. 

It’s easier said than done and maybe you think this affirmation thing is silly, I did at first, BUT it really does help. I struggle with having a bad body image and giving myself a compliment in the mornings while getting ready for work really does help set the tone of the day for me! So I encourage you either now or tomorrow, give a compliment to yourself! And if you’re feelin’ wilddddd give yourself several and spread affirmations to others!

Below are some positive affirmations! You can even write them on sticky notes and stick them on your mirror so you can see them daily, leave one in your car, or where ever to have a reminder constantly that you’re amazing! 💕 

Even writing this blog post got me hype and in a good head space! So, I hope it does the same for you! Have great rest of the week and find the positive in each day! Be kind to yourself and others! Kindness goes a loooooong way. AND REMEMBER YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

Comment below some of your favorite affirmations or what helps you stay positive!

I’ve also linked some of my favorite amazon finds for daily motivation, including a daily gratitude journal and a positivity calendar for the new year!

I’ve included links you can use to shop using my Liketoknow.it that are commissionable , so thank you in advance for using my links! Don’t forget to follow me on the Liketoknow.it app for more!


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