Hello beautiful people welcome to ze blogggg! Today, it’s all about HMF Yoga Studio and my experience and review! SO! A friend of mine told me about HMF before they opened, so I followed them on IG leading up to their grand opening. They showed the coming alongs of the studio, introduced the instructors, and let you know that this wasn’t your typical flow yoga, this is HMF, hip-hop yoga studio. SAY WHHHAT hip-hop + yoga?! If that isn’t intriguing enough idk what is!

The week of October 26th through October 31st HMF Yoga Studio had their soft launch week which offered a week of F R E E classes. I had never done any type of structured yoga classes, I’ve done the typical follow a long with videos on Youtube, but that’s about as far as my yoga participation went. 

So, my sister Hannah and I signed up to take one of the soft launch free classes. We were both pretty excited to try it out! HMF did a great job getting the hype out for their launch. Upon arriving, parking is very easy and convenient with just a short walk to the studio. Once we got to the studio, walking in you’re greeted with enthusiasm and positive vibes (and your temp checked bc COVID, which is nice they’re taking the extra precautions). The studio is super aesthetic and cozy, with a modern twist. The quotes on the walls are super cool and unique. AND the back area where you keep your belongings has an A M A Z I N G accent wall that’s truly one of a kind!

Since we’re new to the yoga world, we didn’t have yoga mats, but fortunately HMF has some if you don’t have a mat yet. Our first class was with Brooke. We were guided through a warm up, and then the heat was brought! Each class is structured with a warm up, yoga, strength and conditioning, combining yoga with cardio, and bodyweight strength for the ultimate workout. SO be prepared to S W E A T!

After class Hannah and I were walking back to the car and discussing how much we L O V E D the class. I was like ” do you wanna sign up?!” and she was like ” YEAH if you do.” We both stopped walking and were about to walk back and sign up to be founding members (the deals they had were amazing) but I said “let’s take one more class and decide tomorrow” in agreeance, we both signed up in the car to the following day’s class. Again arriving the next evening, greeted with the same positive energy and vibes, I loved it here! This class was with instructor Julianna and woah, the whole class agreed that her class kicked our a**, In the best way possible. Hannah and I were both ready to sign up! I just want to throw this little tid-bit of info out there too: I’ve never been one to be a monthly member to a fitness studio, I’ve always just gone to the gym and created my own workouts, so for me to be a member of a fitness studio.. Its really gotta be amazing! So HMF, you guys got me.

There’s just something about yoga and hip-hop music that just works!

Since that opening week, we’ve taken several different classes lead by different instructors and different time slots. Each instructor brings a different vibe, energy, and intensity that’s unique to their style which makes HMF so much fun and keeps you coming back. At the moment I think my favorite classes are with Hyejin, her classes seem to be the most intense and she enjoys kicking your booty, which is what I enjoy! She really bring the heat and makes you push yourself to be the best you can be.

Studio environment: HMF Yoga Studio is located in Greenville’s cozy Westend Village. The studio is beautiful, fun, clean, and unique. A lot of thought and creativity went into bringing this space to life! The big “NO ONE DOES IT LIKE YOU” quote on the studio wall is one of my favorite parts. 

Class Safety: I figured this would be helpful for the times we are all experiencing. HMF is 100% COVID compliant. You wear a mask (except when doing the actual class), your temperature is taken upon arrival, classes are at a capacity to where you are socially distanced, and after each class the studio is thoroughly cleaned.

Class Style: HMF Yoga studio is unheated hip-hop yoga. While it’s “un-heated” the studio is kept at about 80 degrees, so it gets toasty for you to get an amazing sweat going. Their mantra- find the beat, find your breath, find your tribe- A yoga & athletic conditioning experience for those that do things differently. Each class is yoga, cardio, and bodyweight strength all in the flow with the best hip-hop tracks!

The instructors: They’re A M A Z I N G. I haven’t gotten to take each of their classes yet, but the ones I have taken they’re uniquely their own. Each class brings the heat and you’re left feeling accomplished, strong, stretched, and of course sweaty!

Meet the instructors below! Be sure to check them out in the studio and on IG!

The owner: Lindsey is absolutely amazing and the mastermind behind HMF. Her bubbly personality fits perfectly with the vibe of HMF. She’s super personable, funny, and has a true passion for HMF!

I highly, 100%, 12/10, RECOMMEND HMF Yoga Studio. I’ve been consistently going to classes for almost a month now and I can tell a difference in my physique. My core is tighter, I feel like my legs are leaning and tightening. It’s truly been an amazing experience and something I truly enjoy doing! 

If you haven’t already, I hope you all get your booty’s down to HMF yoga for the best yoga + workout experience you’ll ever have!

Happy sweating my yogi’s! 

Most of the photos used in this blog post are courtesy of HMF yoga studio. *This blog post was not sponsored or paid for by HMF Yoga Studio.*


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