I don’t know about you, but to me, January F L E W by! I feel like the older I get, the faster the months & years pass by lol! One of my New Years goals was to start reading more and I set a goal to read 25 books in 2022. I started following “bookstagram” and “booktok” on social media to find some recommendations and I fell into that trend hard LOL.
My first trip to B&N I bought just one book A Good Girls Guide to Murder, (one of the books I found on my trending books on social media plunge) thinking yeah this will get me through January. WRONG. I couldn’t put it down! I was sucked into it, I HAD TO KNOW HOW IT ENDED LOL. I finished my first book of the year in less than 2 weeks and found out it was a 3 series book and bought the next two. Good Girl, Bad Blood and As Good As Dead. finished them both in the following 2 weeks!
Review of the series:
I highly recommend this series! It is a YA thriller/mystery that you won’t be able to stop reading! I didn’t think I would read a book so fast and be that drawn in! The plot developments (especially in the first book) were beautifully laid out, kept you guessing, and it felt like you were apart of the book, investigating, trying to piece together all the evidence, and coming up with your own theories of what happened. It truly kept you guessing until the very end! Holly Jackson’s incorporation of humor intertwined with the thrill and mystery was perfect. All of the books were creatively tied into each other with the events from each book leading to the deeper connection in the final books outcome.
One of the biggest take aways I got from the series was, every single choice & decision you make in life can create a ripple effect good or bad. The way all the books tied in together really show how one or two bad people caused so much damage, pain, and loss in so many different peoples lives. So always think about your actions and decisions because you never know what could happen!

A Good Girl’s Guide to Murder: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Can’t recommend enough! Kept you guessing, and it felt like you were apart of the book, investigating, trying to piece together all the evidence, and coming up with your own theories of what happened. It truly kept you guessing until the very end! I couldn’t stop reading until I knew what happened!
Good Girl, Bad Blood: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Another wonderfully written thriller that kept you guessing until the very end! The character development from the first book was well portrayed especially with Pip as she struggles with the events from AGGGTM. It was a little slower in get into, the major plots weren’t until middle/end of the book but still kept you drawn in with another thrilling plot twist.
As Good As Dead:⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
The final book of the series! The trauma from the last two books has really gotten to Pip and her character is not in a good mental state which is a little dark and takes away from her strong female lead in the series. There we’re some parts of the book that had you drawn in and on the edge of your seat but others were almost too obvious. Without spoiling- the overall plot was kind of disappointing and the events that happen are WAY out of character for Pip despite the trauma she’s been through. I just didn’t like how Jackson turned Pip into something she’s not, which also throws Ravi out of character, I just wasn’t a fan how the turn in the characters . I enjoyed the book but it was definitely my least favorite of the series.

Book #4 of my 2022 reading goal & book #4 of January: People We Meet on Vacation- Emily Henry.
I started reading this right after I finished the AGGGTM series so it was a little hard to switch gears from reading a murder/thriller/mystery series to a cute/fun/romcom read, (I should of taken a day or 2 to let the series process lol) but once I got into it, I LOVED IT.
People We Meet on Vacation: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️💫
I love the way the book is structured with present summer in some chapters and then previous summers in others to explain Poppy & Alex’s relationship and past. The chemistry, inside jokes, and romantic tension between the two was well written. A very cute, feel good read!

And that my friends, is my January reads! I hope you enjoyed my little review of each book and hopefully you’ll be intrigued to read them as well!
When I was living with my friend in Colorado, we would read a book and after we both read it we would say who we thought would be the main characters if the book was made into a movie! It was kind of a little “book club” thing we did and would talk about what we liked and disliked about the book, basically a book review lol.
I thought that would be fun to do here on the blog as well! If/once you’ve read any of the books, comment who you think would be the main characters if the book were a movie! Along with your likes and dislikes of the book! 😊
Pip: Anna Catchart
Ravi: Neel Sethi
People We Meet on Vacation
Poppy: Sarah Hyland
Alex: Zac Efron