HAPPY NEW YEAR MY BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE!!! I hope everyones day is going well so far! So, this year I decided to give “resolutions” a hard pass. The whole ” New Years resolutions” seems kinda aggressive and they never seem to stick!

SO, this year I’m trying a new outlook! 

  1. New Years Vision Board.
  2. New Years Intentions.
  3. Positive affirmations.
  4. “Love” letters to yourself.

This way they seem more light hearted and setting a bigger picture with a vision board I believe will be super motivating and also fun to make! Along with the other links listed above, setting up this year with as much positivity as possible! 

Below I’m sharing my vision board, New Years intentions and some ideas for positive affirmations and “love” letters to yourself! 

My 2021 Vision Board!

Everything from fitness goals, fun things I want to do, and personal goals like buying a house are all on my 2021 vision board!

Click here to read my blog post on making yours!

2021 intentions.

Intentions are plans you’re setting for yourself! You can make a yearly intentions list or weekly or both!


Positive Affirmations. 

Giving yourself daily positive affirmations can change your entire day! Start each day off giving yourself a compliment and if you start feeling down at any moment during the day, give your self the compliment you told yourself earlier!

Love letters to yourself.

I know this may sound silly, but you’ll appreciate it later! Sit down and write yourself 2 or 3 letters. Positive, nice, uplifting letter. Put them in envelopes and put them somewhere safe. When you’re having a day that seems impossible to get through, open one of the letters. I guarantee you’ll make your own day! 😊 

I hope you enjoy these New Years ideas for setting yourself up for the best year ever! Comment below some of your New Years goals and what you do to set yourself up for success!

Happy New Year!


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