3 Simple ways to Refresh Your Day!

With how crazy the “new norm” is, it’s easy to fall into a slump. I can personally say I’ve been in a funk the past week or so and have days where I’m on the verge of tears after coming home from work. It can be mentally and emotionally exhausting.

SO! to help, I’ve complied a few small things you can do to refresh and brighten your day!

  1. Have a refreshing beverage. Cucumber water is always a nice go-to! Quick. Easy. Refreshing. For me, sipping on some cucumber water while relaxing or binge watching Netflix is a nice “aaahhhh refreshing” feeling.

2. Get some cute little plants to liven up your space! I’m a sucker for plants! Especially cute little ones that you can literally put anywhere in your home. Grabbing a few little plants and flowers on your next essential Trader Joe’s shopping trip is a perfect and inexpensive way to add some livlyness around your house.

3. Don’t forget to l a u g h. Laughing is an instant mood booster and can even make you feel more energized! Good hearty laugh can release any tension and releases endorphins to create an over all well-being. and HEY, if ya laugh long enough and hard enough you might even burn a few extra calories! 😉

Just remember you are not alone in this! I saw a message in my neighborhood written on the sidewalk in chalk, “Apart, not alone.” along with a lot of other little inspiring, uplifting messages. I thought that this was amazing and seeing those messages made me feel a sense of happiness. So, again, you’re not alone, we’re all in this together! If you feel you’re especially struggling don’t be afraid to reach out to me or to anyone! I am here to help, listen, and do anything that I can!




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