2020 RECAP

First off, Im gonna brag on Shred 415 a lil bit. This morning for my last workout of 2020 I took the 9:15 Shred415 class with Joy. The class was pretty full (no surprise, gotta get in that last workout and make it a good one by going to Shred) They had it so organized so everyone was distanced and had space to enjoy their workout. The playlist was AMAZING and this was probably my favorite class of Joy’s Ive ever been to! 

She flowed the class so well and incorporated New Years Traditions from around the world into the workout, which I thought was so cool and hearing those traditions was super fun! For example A Denmark New Years tradition is “LEAPING” into January, so for one of the movements on the floor we LEAPED over our decks! A Columbia New Years tradition is they take their suitcases and run around the block  to assure a year filled with travel, which we all hope is possible in 2021! So, to represent that tradition we did “suit case carries” (farmer carries) with dumbbells! I thought incorporating those things into the workout was super cool and a great way to have the last workout of 2020! ANDDDD another cool thing was, after class you could write down something you want to leave behind in 2020 and shred it! Literally! Write it down and then shred it in the shredder! A super fun little activity to leave any negativity behind for the New Year!

Thank you Shred 415 for that amazing class with all the elements you provided today!

So for the last Blog post of 2020, I’ve been inspired from this morning’s Shred class to share some New Years Traditions from around the world and also share my positive things from 2020! I know there were a lot of rough and most certainly strange, weird, and trying times during this wild year but lets not think about those anymore, let celebrate the POSITIVE things this year brought us!

My Top 6 2020 moments!

  • 1. I moved to COLORADO! Yes, back in early February, I moved across the country to Colorado and lived with my best friend! It was an amazing journey and a huge goal of mine to do that! I had an amazing time there despite the pandemic and I met some AMAZING people working at the Trader Joe’s in Greenwood Village! I would probably still be living out there if it weren’t for the pandemic, but I am forever grateful for my time there and living with my bestie!
  • 2. In my treck across the country, I got to see different states which was so much fun and cool to see! I really want to visit all 50 states because each sate is so unique and they all have something beautiful to offer! 
  • 3. I started my BLOG! I’d been wanting to start a blog for so long and I finally look the leap to do that! I’ve loved writing and providing y’all with content and hopefully you found some of my posts filled with helpful tips and delicious recipes! I also completed a 25 day BLOGMAS series and then finished the year with a daily post, so 31 blog posts! I was super proud of that! It’s been fun watching my blog grow, while some days seem to have more hits than others, I love doing this and am excited for the future of my blog!
  • 4. I started a jewelry line! Hygge Designs! Letter bead jewelry that is customizable and handmade! I love creating and I found something I truly enjoy! I can’t wait to see where that takes me and continue to make and create for this brand!
  • 5. I put my health first! After bodybuilding for 3 years and putting my body through competition preps, my bodys overall health wasn’t the best and with that came bad body dysmorphia. Taking the time to repair, feed & nourish, and rest my body did wonders for my body’s health and my mental health. I’m not shredded anymore and I deff have a few extra pounds on me, but my quality of life has never been better. 
  • 6. I’ve learned a lot about myself this year, the importance of the small things in life, and the value of relationships. We aren’t promised anything, so make the most of each day, cherish, strengthen and grow the relationships in your life. Don’t be afraid to take the chance, you’ll only miss out on the chances you don’t take. Even if it doesn’t pan out the way you planned it at least you gave it a shot! Having a positive outlook on things this year has been been life changing!

Those are my favorite  2020 moments, adventures, and accomplishments! Leave some of your 2020 accomplishments in the comments! 

Now for some fun cool stuff inspired by my Shred 415 class this morning! Dun dun dunnnuhhhnaaaa! NEW YEARS TRADITIONS FROM AROUND THE WORLD!

  • The one we should all know, because mama would always make us this meal for New Years is, having lunch or dinner that was black eyed peas, pork, and greens! Consuming is said to bring good luck, wealth, and peace in the New Year! 
  • Another food for good fortune in the New Year is fish! Since fish only swim forward, it’s a good representation for good things moving forward for the New Year. On that note! Foods to avoid for you New Years day meals: Lobster and chicken! Lobster swim in a backwards motion which could symbolism set back in the New Years and chickens scratch backwards! 
  •  A tradition from Brazil is going to the beach and jumping waves to increase your luck! Each wave you jump you get a wish. 
  • Kissing at mid-night!
  • Another from Denmark leaping into the New Year! They stand on chair or furniture and leap into January at the stroke of midnight to bring good luck!
  • A tradition from Columbia to bring a year full of travels, they take their empty suite cases and walk around the block!
  • A tradition from Greece is hanging an onion on the front door of your home to symbolize rebirth of the New Year!


I hope you enjoyed reading those traditions from around the world! It’s pretty interesting to see the different ways to bring good vibes into the New Year!

Thank you for all your support this year! I hope y’all have a great start to your 2021 and enjoy the new exciting things to come! Check out my blog for making your 2021 vision board here! Lets crush those goals!

Happy New Year! Be safe and well! 💕 

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