Happy Wednesday! THREE MORE DAYS TIL CHRISTMAS! Ok, so the last Blogmas post was posted on Sunday and I was already behind then, so now I’m REALLY behind. BUTTT the reasoning on why I haven’t been pushing and stressing to get ALL the Blogmas posts out on time is what inspired this Blogmas post today!
So technically it should be Blogmas day 10, but this is post #6 for my Blogmas series!
Today is a reminder not to get too worked up or stress about things too much, especially around the holidays because even though you might always have it together the holidays can add stress into your life with all the hustle and bustle. Take the time each day to do something that makes you happy or brings you joy.
Don’t put too much on your plate, even if you have a commitment to something, like for me, 12 days of Blogmas was a full commitment I had to do daily but the past few days have been super busy with work and trying to get last minute things done all while trying to fit in the things that bring my joy each day (for me its going to F45 workouts & spending time with Wes while he’s home) so I made to choice to put Blogmas on the back burner to eliminate an added stress to get something done. AND not to say Blogmas is stressful I do enjoy writing and creating them, but they also take a lot of time and planning.
So put yourself first at least once a day so you don’t crash or burn from the go go go of the holiday season. This is a time to be happy and enjoy every minute of it! Take time to sit back and relax when you can, enjoy that nice cup of coffee or hot chocolate, and remember its OKAY to say no to things or put them off til late if its going too add to much to your plate! 😊

Have a wonderful rest of your day, thanks for all the love and support this year for Blogmas! Comment below your favorite must haves from Lulu!
Get into the Christmas spirit with my Life With Syd Christmas Playlist mixtape! Jam along with me here!